Friday, February 20, 2009

'Lost': 'Caspian,' See? - Doc Jensen

''I felt just the same,'' said Edmund in a breathless voice. ''As if I were being dragged along. A most frightful pulling — ugh! It's beginning again!... All catch hands and keep together! This is magic — I can tell by the feeling. Quick!''

Why the road back to the Island begins with ''316''

Lost producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have often cited The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis' beloved fantasy series, as a major creative touchstone for their own fantastical epic. (The proof: Charlotte Staples Lewis = Clive Staples Lewis). The above citation comes from Prince Caspian, Lewis' sequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, in which the four Pevensie siblings return to the enchanted realm of Narnia...many, many years in the future, and via a mysterious island dotted with crumbling ruins, no less. And while Edmund's terrified alarm conjures images of Smokey dragging Montand the Frenchie into the Temple's basement (Rip! Splooge! Awesome!), young Master Ed here is actually describing the sensation of being abruptly yanked back to fantasyland. In fact, his words evoke for me the sound effect of Lost's time flashes. Listen as you watch the following clip from ''The Little Prince'': Doesn't it sound like the castaways are literally being stretched from one point in time to another? (Feel free to zip to the 1:39 mark to get to the point.)

Full Article:  'Lost': 'Caspian,' see? | 1 | 'Lost': Doc Jensen | TV | Totally 'Lost' | Entertainment Weekly

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